2030 or Bust – Concert for Power – Be a Sponsor

2030 or Bust presents: “Concert for Power”

Empowering and Mobilizing the World to End the Climate Crisis

We are on track for a catastrophic future. If not only our actions, but our consciousness doesn’t dramatically alter in the very near future, it will be too late to alter our course.

This decade is our final window of opportunity to turn that around. We have the power to make the difference. But only if we wake up, seize the opportunity and act in time.


Most people don’t see themselves as having any real power to impact the climate crisis. They see climate change as too complex, too big, something for governments, scientists or institutions to handle, which leaves people in a trance of hope, denial, best efforts, gestures and business as usual.

The purpose of Concert for Power is to wake people from that trance and to rally humanity around this decade as our make-it-or-break-it opportunity to bridge the critical 2030 emissions gap. The 2030 or Bust team, in partnership with scientists, civil society activists, UNDP, UNEP, UNICEF and NGO partners has developed the science, models and action scenarios that make ending the climate crisis possible through the actions of individuals. A breakthrough for humanity.

The event will be held in Los Angeles in January 2023 – a paid ticketed event, with live simulcast and post-event pay-per-view. There will be bands, sports figures, media luminaries, climate activists, pop culture influencers, as well as “power nuggets” throughout the event introducing people to 2030 or Bust and offering opportunities to take action, to get into the 2030 game.

This will be the first in a series of annual events tracking our progress right through 2030. Making the game of our lifetime something anyone can play and together we can win.

To make this historic event happen, we’re raising $2 million by the end of February and our first milestone is $500K by October. You’re invited to be a sponsor, to fund and take the lead in awakening and empowering people everywhere to end the climate crisis.