Alligaytour – World on Wheels Tour 2023


Queer Climate Radical Skateboards Florida to Bust the Climate Trance


Brooklyn, NY… Pumped from his pre-pandemic 400-mile skate from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas, Brooklyn-based climate activist, performance artist and author Laughlin Artz is skateboarding the Sunshine State to bring some much-needed queer-toned sunlight to the climate crisis. The “AlliGAYtour” is presented by 2030 or Bust – empowering humanity to END the climate crisis.


We’re on the fast track for a catastrophic future. If not only our actions, but our consciousness doesn’t dramatically alter in the very near future, it will be too late to alter our course.


Laughlin is skating to spread that awareness, to wake people from the trance that the power to end the crisis lies with the government or scientists or the UN or some other institution, and to rally humanity around this decade as our make-it-or-break-it window to bridge the critical 2030 emissions gap.


The 2030 or Bust team, in partnership with scientists, civil society activists, UNDP, UNEP, UNICEF and NGO partners has developed the science, models and action scenarios that make ending the climate crisis possible through the actions of individuals. A breakthrough for humanity.

2030 or Bust has declared 2023 the Year of the Skater, and all around the world, skaters will be convening for World On Wheels Weekend (May 27-29). Skaters changing the world! The pop culture tour, which starts in Orlando and ends in the Ft. Lauderdale during World On Wheels Weekend, will include offerings from the worlds of music, fashion, art, and activism, frames the climate crisis as the greatest reality show ever. “Will humanity wake up in time or be booted off the planet?” 

As a queer man, Laughlin is skating to expose not only the propaganda that keeps people in the dark about the climate crisis but also the anti-queer rhetoric that keeps people in the dark about the LGBTQ community. 

Also included in the tour will be the unveiling of the newly-upgraded 2030 or Bust app, putting the power to end the climate crisis in the hands of people everywhere. 

Supporters can follow the tour on our website, Instagram or TikTok @2030orbust. Join Laughlin by skating, biking, or anything with wheels! Pledge per mile at our Pledge It campaign, or make up their own form of support. We’re all in this together; the bigger the ruckus we make, the better.