Globally Skating Towards Sustainability: Eddie Bradbrook’s Passionate Pursuit

Eddie Bradbrook is an interesting figure in the worlds of climate action and roller skating because he is good at managing water in a way that doesn’t harm it and loves roller skating. Eddie, who lives in Dubai at the moment, recently shared his journey and insights on a new episode of the “2030 or Bust” podcast. He sheds new light on how personal interests can connect with global efforts to protect the environment.

Eddie’s story starts in the busy roller rinks of London, where he first wore roller skates when he was only 14 years old. Along with his career as a sustainable engineer, his love for the sport grew, and it finally led him to the United Arab Emirates. Here, he has worked on important projects like the Presidential Palace in Abu Dhabi, using his technical skills to make sure that the water and drainage systems will last.

Eddie’s influence, on the other hand, goes far beyond engineering tasks. His job as a Global Ambassador for the “World on Wheels” project, which promotes roller skating as a way to raise awareness about the environment, fits in well with both his personal and professional life. This program not only gets people moving, but it also takes action on climate change and uses the sport that young skaters love to teach them about being environmentally friendly.


Eddie talks about how he got involved with “World on Wheels” through a simple Facebook post, which led to a long-term partnership with Lachlan Artz, the project’s head. Because he keeps involved, he helps roller skating groups all over the world by planning events and pushing for more eco-friendly ways to do things in the sport. His method is very personal, but it has an effect on everyone. It’s based on the idea that people can use their hobbies and professional skills to make a big difference in solving global problems like climate change.


Eddie’s ability to connect climate action to everyday life is one of the most interesting things about his work, especially in places where environmental problems are very common. Eddie has done a lot to connect climate change campaigns in places like Mombasa, Kenya, where local skate clubs are involved in them, with larger educational and environmental projects. Because of his work, these communities not only know about the effects of climate change, but they are also able to do something about them.


Eddie’s conversation with podcast host Jackie Gonzalez shows a deep link between his engineering background and the way he skates to promote environmental sustainability. This one-of-a-kind mix lets him connect with young skaters and community groups, motivating them to see how their efforts to protect the earth actually help. His stories about working with different kinds of people, from beachgoers in Kenya to people who live in fancy cities in Abu Dhabi, show how his approach to climate campaigning is relevant and flexible everywhere.


Eddie’s work also shows how important acts in one place can be in effecting change around the world. He helps young people understand that their actions, no matter how small, can have big effects on the environment by building a sense of community and shared duty. Eddie’s projects encourage a grassroots approach to environmental activism, whether they’re setting up neighborhood clean-ups or teaching skaters how to make their gear last longer.


The show both tells people about Eddie’s accomplishments and urges them to do something. It urges people to get involved in the “2030 or Bust” campaign and stresses that everyone can help slow down climate change, no matter what their background is or what they’re interested in. This message really hits home because it shows how personal interests, like roller skating, can be strong motivators for protecting the world and taking action.


Eddie Bradbrook’s story is a powerful example of how powerful it can be to combine your interests with a reason for living. He has spent his whole life working as a professional and loving roller skating. His work shows how personal hobbies can be aligned with global sustainability goals and help them be reached. Eddie wants us all to join him as he skates toward a more sustainable future. This shows that every turn and trick on roller skates can help move the world toward better environmental health.

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